Sedmihorky Autocamp is located within viewing distance of the Hruboskalsko national park in the heart of the Bohemian Paradise. Thanks to the wide range of activities available at the camp and surrounding destinations we are an ideal holiday spot for families with children. Our camp is very popular - in the competition for the best (Czech) camp of the year we are regularly among the top three. We were even awarded 1st place in the "Best Camp for Families with Children" category a total of nine times between 2013 and 2024.

We consider the relationship between us and nature to be very important. We bring up this point during our summer programmes for families with children as well as during our programmes for schools and kindergartens, which we provide in close cooperation with the Bohemian Paradise Centre for Environmental Education. The camp itself is situated in a beautiful place surrounded by ancient oaks on the shore of the Bažantník pond. Walks through the protected reservations around the camp encourage thought about such things.

We are open all season long (from March to the end of October, also around New Year's Eve). Accommodation is available in cabins and cottages, Mobilhomes, tepees, tents with canopy, as well as your own tents or caravans if you choose so. We also run the Podháj guesthouse close to the camp, where you can stay from April to October.

You can dine or just snack in our camp restaurant Skalák or at one of our kiosks. A new feature of our campsite is the original children's playroom Mlýn with a café. In the café you can enjoy delicious coffee and cake all year round, while the children enjoy themselves in the 12.5-metre-tall labyrinth full of climbing frames and slides.

Sedmihorky Autocamp is a family-run business with a long history. The camp was established in 1961. Therefore, the tradition of camping in our camp is older than 60 years! In 2021, we just celebrated our wonderful 60th birthday with our guests at a summer event, and our entire team is already looking forward to our next camping season.